Your volunteer service is ALWAYS needed and appreciated by GLSW! Part of the GLSW mission is to provide a nurturing and safe German-language community for GLSW students and their families and this becomes possible with the many helping hands of our volunteers! We ask for GLSW students/families to sign up for at least 2 volunteer spots each semester, to help us keep things running smoothly.
There are many opportunities for GLSW students, parents and families to volunteer their time and skills in between and during the GLSW school year. Saturday class days and school-wide events have the greatest need for volunteer help. Some examples of typical volunteering opportunities include:
Hall monitors before/during/after school classes
Helpers for set up and clean-up of school-wide events, especially holidays such as Oktoberfest, St. Martin's Day, Christmas, Fasching/Karnival, Easter egg hunts (for younger classes), Graduation, Oktoberfest, Christmas or Graduation.
Helpers for organizing and maintaining the GLSW German-language books library and book sales
Helpers with fundraising and photography skills (for events, specific field trips and scholarship needs
Helpers for organizing/managing the bagels/coffee sales during the Saturday school days