Exams and Certifications

Exams & Certificates 

Our students are well prepared to take the following standardized tests  administered at our school: AATG National German Exam Levels 2-4..  As an accredited PASCH school we also offer the Deutsches Sprachdiplom DSD I and  DSD II. Students prepare to take these exams starting in Level 8. To be accepted into the DSD I and DSD II preparatory classes, students are required to receive a recommendation by the teacher.

The students’ studies at the Saturday school also prepare them for the AP German Exam and SAT Subject Test German. AP Exams as well as SAT Subject Test German are not administered at the Saturday School, but must be taken through the students’ respective local high schools.

The Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) is an international standard test designed to provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines. The CEFR designs teaching and learning material and the assessment of foreign language proficiency.  Test must be taken through the Goethe Institut.


Through building their vocabulary, speech, reading and writings skills, our curriculum enables students to actively communicate in German as well as understand German. Our Educational standard stems from the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and German is the primary language of instruction.

Providing students with continuity as they move from level to level, both principal and faculty collaborate together to develop a basic curriculum plan. Teachers then build a strong foundation for their students based on their own lesson planning, classroom instruction, and follow-up discussions with their principal and colleagues.

Our vice principal does extensive research on textbook selections to ensure that teachers and students have access to the most current and appropriate textbooks, along with other materials to supplement the curriculum. Music classes enhance our curriculum and add variety to the children’s language experience. Students perform German songs for our two annual school events/concerts, one for the December holidays and the other at the end of the school year.

Classroom Placement

GLSW offers small classroom sizes of 15 or fewer, to help foster active language use and instruction. Classroom placement is determined by the student’s ability.